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What benefits does cold extracted oil provide?

There are various procedures that can be used to obtain Olive Oil. The most artisanal and the healthiest is to obtain it without using high temperatures in the course of its production. Many dietitians and doctors recommend cold extracted oil, because it ensures that all its properties remain intact, which also ensures that the oil is the highest quality.

What does ‘cold extracted’ mean?

A cold extracted Olive Oil is an oil that has been obtained at a temperature below 27ºC (81 F). There are two methods for achieving this: artisanal and the industrial methods.

The artisanal technique is used in small-scale oil production. The olive paste is placed on pressing mats, which are then stacked on top of one another and pressed with a metal plate to extract the liquid from inside. With the industrial method, centrifuges are used that maintain a low temperature, the olive oil being extracted in these little by little.


These techniques are normally differentiated through the use of different labeling. The oil obtained using the artisanal method is the so-called ‘cold pressed oil’, while the second method described above is ‘cold extracted oil’. Nevertheless, both methods ensure a high quality oil.

Other procedures increase the temperature of the oil in order to obtain it quickly and in greater quantities. However, high temperatures can modify the properties of the oil. Indeed, certain characteristics of the aroma and flavor may end up evaporating and being lost, as may some of the nutritional values of the oil.


That is why it is important to buy a high quality oil: an Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained through processes that maintain a low temperature. When the properties and the quality of the oil are respected, your health and that of your family are also being respected.

Vinegar, the perfect accompaniment for your salads

In the summertime, the heat of the day means all we want to eat is fresh food. That’s why the dish that feels best is a salad. As well as Olive Oil, a must-have for dressing salads is vinegar. Not only is it a complement that adds a special flavor to your food but vinegar is also healthy.

The benefits of vinegar

Vinegar contains antioxidant properties that help to keep cells healthy and young. As a result, its behavior remains active, preventing diseases that originate from cellular oxidation.

Apart from this, regular consumption of vinegar helps to reduce blood glucose levels, as well as lowering blood pressure. In so doing, it helps to prevent diseases such as diabetes and conditions such as high blood pressure. As well as consuming this food, it is clearly essential to have a balanced diet and to exercise regularly in order to achieve the desired results.

Types of vinegar for different salads

White wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar of Modena and red wine and sherry vinegar are all different types of vinegar. Some pair better than others with a particular kind of salad. Vinegar is healthy, yes, but by choosing the right one you will also enhance the flavor of your salads.

Carbonell white wine vinegar. This is ideal for dressing pasta, rice or quinoa salads. You can also use it to create vinaigrettes and dressings, for example by mixing it with mustard, Olive Oil and honey.

Carbonell white wine vinegar with garlic. This vinegar is ideal for salads with grilled vegetables such as asparagus, artichokes and legumes. It is also delicious in chicken or turkey salads.

Carbonell balsamic vinegar. This vinegar is perfect for salads with goat’s cheese or blue cheese. Its flavor also pairs very well with salads that contain fruit such as apples, strawberries or pears.

Sherry vinegar. Perfect for salads with fish or seafood. For example, this type of vinegar is an ideal complement for salads of bonito fish, tuna or prawns.

Using the right vinegar to enhance the taste of your summer dishes means you can take full advantage of the benefits of vinegar. Not because one vinegar is better than another, but because your palate will savor delicious salads while at the same time contributing to your own well-being and that of your family.

Source: Psychology Today

Good cholesterol vs. bad cholesterol. Know their differences.

Do you know which cholesterol is good and which is bad? The word ‘cholesterol’ normally conjures up an association with something negative, since when we talk about ‘high cholesterol’ it is inferred that there are health risks. However, there are two types of cholesterol: one which is harmful (LDL), and another which is less known but good for health (HDL).

The good cholesterol helps to reduce the levels of LDL, counteracting its effects. It is important that this happens because if the level of bad cholesterol is high it can accumulate in the arteries, hampering natural blood flow and generating clots that can be seriously harmful to cardiovascular health.

In order to prevent this from happening, you should consume less food that increases the level of bad cholesterol, such as red meat, sausages, cheeses and sugars. As you might imagine, you should also add good cholesterol foods to your diet. Among these are Olive Oil – the vegetable oil with the highest amount of monounsaturated fatty acids and responsible for increasing HDL – as well as oats, nuts, and fish that are rich in Omega 3.

Consuming two tablespoons of Carbonell Extra Virgin Olive Oil per day is the ideal amount for helping you to maintain good health. As you well know, a balanced diet combined with a little exercise are key to maintaining a healthy life. And it’s not necessary for you to make any sacrifices: the flavor of products that are high in good cholesterol is superb!

Source: NCBI

How to recycle at home and with the family

Taking care of the environment is taking care of our home. We would all like a healthy planet that is free from pollution, in which our children can live comfortably when they grow up. The best way to do your bit to help make this happen is through recycling. Knowing how to recycle at home and getting the whole family on board is not so difficult: it is just a matter of changing certain habits.

Recycling at home to help take care of the environment

The first thing you need to do in the world of recycling is to have different containers for paper, plastic, glass and other types of waste, and then you need to get all family members accustomed to separating garbage into the different containers. One idea is to make a poster with your children so that they learn how the garbage needs to be divided, and then stick the poster up by your recycling zone.

Another thing that works very well is to distribute recycling tasks. For example, you could make a calendar so that each day of the week a different family member is responsible for taking out one of the garbage bags.

You can also make use of used sheets of paper or cardboard for notes such as shopping lists, or for your little ones to draw on. You can even make recycled paper at home for having fun with your family.

Now you know how to recycle at home:, which is the first step for your family to start raising awareness about taking care for the environment. Reducing consumption of plastic would be the next step, but it’s best to go gradually in your transition to leading an increasingly sustainable life.

Be the best host thanks to table olives

Spending time with family and friends always provides a great excuse for a good time and catching up with things. If the next meeting is at your home, some table olive snacks will make you the best host.

Types of olives for a snack

There are several varieties of table olives, and each one has something different to offer.

• Carbonell Manzanilla olives have a smooth, balanced flavor and their texture is very tender. They are ideal if your guests have a wide range of tastes, or if you plan to dress your olives later.

• Carbonell Hojiblanca olives have a flavor that changes: they taste sweet at first, leaving a slightly spicy flavor in the mouth. Their firm texture is perfect for satisfying the hungriest of palates.

• Last but not least, there are Carbonell stuffed olives. These olives are filled with red pepper, ham and anchovies. They are an exhilarating accompaniment for any type of drink.

These table olives are delicious on their own and can be consumed just like that. However, if you want to surprise people, you can create a dressing for Manzanilla and Hojiblanca olive types. For example, you can crush some garlic, add paprika, oregano and olive oil, and then leave the olives to macerate in the mixture for half an hour. Your guests are sure to be impressed by this grand reception.

A healthy and delicious snack is what transforms an average host into a supreme host. Remember to always have some olives stored in the cupboard at home, so that when you receive visitors unexpectedly you’re able to offer a high quality snack that will not disappoint anyone.


Would you be able to guess what the 5 most typical Spanish dishes are?

The 5 most common dishes in Spain

1. Spanish omelet

This dish is very simple: with just Olive Oil, potatoes, eggs, salt and onion – although some people prefer it without onion – you have a complete recipe.

It can be eaten at breakfast time, mid-morning, or as a main course for lunch or dinner. It is so versatile that several other ingredients can be added, such as parsley, spinach, peppers, mushrooms, or even chorizo. It is, therefore, a recipe that is open to creativity and variation.

This dish is not identified with any particular Spanish region. As a result, this omelet is known abroad as ‘Spanish omelet’.

2. Gazpacho

Unlike Spanish omelet, gazpacho does identify with a specific Spanish region: Andalusia. It is a common Spanish dish that many people consume with a spoon, while others drink it in a glass like tomato juice, although it is much more than that. Its basic ingredients are: tomato, Olive Oil, vinegar, pepper, cucumber, bread, salt and garlic.

It is a cold soup that is very refreshing in summer. Indeed, summer is its season; it would be rather strange to see someone consuming it in winter.

3. Acorn-fed Iberian Ham

This is obviously not a main course; it’s more of a snack. Served on a plate, sliced and dressed with a splash of olive oil it is a culinary delight. It can also be eaten at breakfast time with some bread and oil.

This ham originates from the lands of Castile and León, where you can see the pigs wandering leisurely through the Castilian pastures. These black Iberian pigs are fed only with acorns and natural herbs, giving the ham a unique and strong flavor that makes it one of the most sought after common foods in Spain.

4. Paella

We mustn’t forget about paella. This dish is renowned internationally, and in many homes on Sundays it is customary to gather the entire family around it. It is an all-round dish made from Olive Oil, rice and saffron, as well as other ingredients from the sea or the land. The original dish is from Valencia, but when eaten in other regions of Spain other variations of the dish have been created:

– The main ingredient of Valencia paella is rabbit, in addition to fried garlic, onion, tomato and pepper. This paella may also contain chicken, peas, and local beans.

– By contrast, seafood paella may contain squid, prawns, cuttlefish, mussels and clams.

– Black rice paella, or ‘paella negra’, is typical of Galicia. Its black color comes from the use of squid ink, and its main ingredients are squid, prawns and clams.

5. Galician octopus

As the name suggests, this common Spanish dish originates from the region of Galicia. It is made from potatoes, octopus, Olive Oil, paprika and sea salt. The only thing you need is fresh octopus; the rest is a piece of cake. Anyone who has tasted a great Galician octopus dish knows it is a delicacy that is hard to beat.

These are the 5 best known dishes in Spain, both on the Peninsula and abroad. If you decide to prepare any of these dishes, be sure to use Carbonell Extra Virgin Olive Oil to give your dishes the gourmet touch they deserve.

Where is Spanish extra virgin olive oil produced?

Spanish extra virgin olive oil is, undoubtedly, a guarantee of superior quality. That is why our olive oil is exported and well known internationally. Spain is after all the land of the olive tree. The regions with the most extensive areas of olive groves are Andalusia and Extremadura.

Carbonell oils

Carbonell is one of the most recognized Spanish olive oil brands. Thanks to our olive selection, our extra virgin olive oils are true to tradition and are blessed with excellent quality. In addition, the production of our oil takes special care to protect and conserve the environment. Let me tell you about some of our oils and their origin:

Carbonell Magna Oliva is our most premium oil. This oil comes from Andalusia and is made following a meticulous selection of Andalusian olive varieties, Hojiblanca and Picudo. It has won several awards both nationally and internationally, thanks to its intense flavor and diverse nuances and aromas that classify it as a superior quality oil.

Carbonell Extra Virgin Arbequina is an oil with a Mediterranean soul, its olives coming from the Catalan regions of Lleida and Tarragona. Its sweet character brings fruity aromas to your dishes, making it pair wonderfully with salads containing pieces of fresh fruit.

Carbonell Extra Virgin Hojiblanca is the ideal oil for your daily life. It comes from an extensive area located in the Andalusian regions of Córdoba, Málaga, Sevilla and Granada. And what does it go with? Well, essentially with everything: Meat, fish, salads, toast…

Carbonell Extra Virgin Picual is made from olives from Jaén, a land with a rich tradition in the cultivation of olive groves. In fact, at a culinary level, it is declared to be one of the best varieties in the world. This type of oil is perfect for casseroles and pies, adding a unique flavor to your dishes.

As you no doubt know already, there are several brands of Spanish olive oil, but there are none that compare to Carbonell. Carbonell’s premium range ensures good care of your loved ones, both in its flavor and its healthy properties. If you want to raise your dishes a notch, do so with the flavor of traditional Spanish extra virgin olive oil.

5 easy and healthy recipes for family cooking

There are several benefits to be obtained when cooking as a family. The most important of these is spending quality time together. What’s more, cooking with children is an opportunity for them to learn, explore and sharpen their senses with a variety of aromas and textures, which is essential for their development. And best of all, they have a great time! So, take note of these 5 easy and healthy recipes, which you will love.

Easy and healthy recipes

Remember that supervision is essential when cooking with children. Give them responsibility for tasks such as getting things ready, washing, measuring, mixing and kneading, while you do tasks that could be dangerous such as cutting, heating, putting things in the oven and taking them out.

1. Mini pizzas

• Mix 250g (9oz) flour, 15ml (1/2 fl oz) Extra Virgin Carbonell Olive Oil and a pinch of salt.

• Separately dissolve 12.5g (1/2 oz) yeast in 125ml (4 1/4 fl oz) warm water. Once dissolved, add it to the dough and mix well.

• Knead the mixture with your hands until you have an elastic dough, then let it sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to allow it to rise.

• After that time, stretch the dough with your rolling pin and use a glass to create the mini pizza bases.

• Add the tomato sauce, cheese, ham pieces and spinach to the dough in small circles.

• Bake at 200ºC (400 F) for 15 minutes, and it’s ready!

2. “Sushi” salad

This is one of the most original, easy and healthy recipes to encourage children to eat vegetables.

• Place a large pre-washed lettuce leaf on a plate.

• At one end, place strips of carrot, cucumber and smoked salmon – you can add more vegetables if you wish.

• Add a little cream cheese.

• Then, roll the lettuce with the ingredients inside, and cut it to look like sushi.

• Dress the rolls with a drizzle of Virgin Olive Oil and they’re ready!

3. Cheese sticks

• Cut some mozzarella cheese into sticks.

• Beat an egg in a bowl.

• Put some breadcrumbs on a separate plate and add a little oregano and parsley.

• Heat a good quantity of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a frying pan.

• Roll the cheese sticks through the bread, then through the egg, then once again through the bread.

• Fry them until they look crispy.

• When you take the sticks out, place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess oil. You’re all sure to love this easy and healthy recipe!

4. Omelet with vegetables

• Break two eggs and place them in an airtight bag.

• Add some chopped vegetables of your choice.

• Add a drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a little salt, and pepper.

• Seal the bag closed and shake it so that all the ingredients are mixed well.

• Place the bag in a saucepan with boiling water for 12 minutes.

• Take the bag out, being careful so as not to burn yourself.

5. Tea-time cookies

• Mix 300g (10 oz) wheat flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 100g (3 1/2 oz) sugar.

• In a separate bowl, mix 100ml (3 1/2 fl oz) milk, 50ml (1 3/4 fl oz) Olive Oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

• Put both mixtures together and knead them until you are left with a uniform dough.

• Add 100g (3 1/2 oz) dark chocolate chips and 70g (2 1/2 oz) chopped nuts.

• Knead the mixture well, make small balls and place them on a baking tray.

• Place them in a preheated oven at 180ºC (350 F) for 10 minutes. Remember to let them cool before taking a bite!


These easy and healthy recipes with Carbonell Extra Virgin Olive Oil are fantastic for a family day. It is hugely satisfying to see how children are entertained and get involved with cooking, concentrating on the various tasks, and smiling when they see the results. Oh, and don’t forget to have the camera to hand!


Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the best complement for your biscuits and cookies.




Can you use olive oil for baking?Of course! In fact, it is the perfect complement for the preparation of sponge cakes and cookies, since it is the healthiest option and helps to enhance their flavors. So, if you’re considering preparing cookies or a sponge cake, don’t hesitate to use Carbonell Extra Virgin to ensure that you and your family enjoy the best quality.

Why is EVOO the healthiest option?

When baking cookies or a sponge cake the dough is subjected to high temperatures, and ideally the ingredients used will remain in a stable state and not become toxic. Thanks to the fact that Olive Oil is mostly composed of monounsaturated fatty acids, it is the most stable vegetable fat when subjected to high temperatures. This is why it is fantastic for baked recipes and, for the same reason, frying with Olive Oil is the most recommended option.

Moreover, by using olive oil in baking you boost cardiovascular system health, thanks to the fact that it reduces bad cholesterol. Who would imagine that eating sweet foods could be healthy? If you use the right ingredients, it clearly can be.

The next time you find yourself wondering if you can use olive oil for baking, remember that it is the healthiest option thanks to its properties, namely its high stability and best nutritional value. Besides all of this, your recipes will be delicious!

Fuente: NCBI

What is an intelligent home and how can it help in everyday life as a family?

What is an intelligent home?

As time goes by, I hear more and more about the intelligent home concept, and today I thought I’d share with you a little about this concept in case you still haven’t heard of it. Having an intelligent home means having a home fitted with appliances or special devices that connect to the Internet and can be controlled from your smartphone.

For example, adjusting light intensity and having the air conditioning switch on when a high room temperature is detected are among the small things that can make life a little easier. It’s about having a home that you can control even when you are out.

How can this technology help you and your family?

Imagine that you have to make dinner and lunch for the following day. You want to make two different things using the oven, but you don’t have time to do them both separately. An oven with two independent temperatures, controlled from your smartphone, would be the perfect choice for you, for example. You don’t have to be in the kitchen to turn off the oven, so you can use this time to do whatever you want.

A good security system can also make your house an intelligent home. There are security cameras that recognize the faces of family members and, when they detect the faces of strangers, they take a photo that is sent to your phone so that you know there is an unknown person in your house. That way you can help keep your family safe, should it be necessary.

There are also devices that can detect what food needs to be bought, creating a shopping list so that you don’t have to waste time checking which food items you need and which you don’t.

These are just a few examples of systems that make your house an intelligent home, although there are many other devices out there. As you can see, they enable you to save time on everyday activities that take time away from the most important thing: being with your family.