It’s most common in homes to have one trash bag for plastic packaging, another for paper, another for organic waste and, finally, one for the rest of the garbage. But did you know that recycling cooking oils also essential for the environment?
Why should we recycle cooking oil?
Throwing used oil down the drain is very damaging to the planet. Each liter of oil contaminates 1000 liters of water in our seas and rivers, and it can last for years without disintegrating. As a consequence, both aquatic and terrestrial life are affected by that decision. It is estimated that one person disposes of 4 liters of used oil per year.
That’s why recycling cooking oil is so important; in so doing, you are taking care of the water needed by every living being, including you and your loved ones.
¿How do you recycle cooking oil?
It’s really simple! Every time you have finished with your oil, wait for it to cool. Then place a funnel in a plastic bottle to pour in the used oil. If you don’t fill the bottle, you can continue filling it at other times too—this is important as it avoids excessive use of plastic.
When the plastic bottle is full, take it to a specific oil recycling point. Some cities have waste containers on the street for recycling cooking oil, although it is most common to take it to a collection point. Find out what facilities your city has. It’s normal to be a bit lazy about recycling, but just remember that one small action can lead to big changes.

What can used oil be used for?
The cooking oil we discard can be used to make soap, organic fertilizer, candles, paint and, most importantly, Biodiesel. As a matter of fact, for every 3 liters of oil used, 2 liters of Biodiesel are obtained. What better use of the oil can there be than this?

The next time you find yourself needing to buy a bottle of water, don’t throw away the bottle, take it with you and use it to recycle cooking oil at home. This planet is the only one we have and it is our home. These small gestures will have a huge impact on the future of our loved ones.